Matthew 25: 35-43 further breaks this down: In this excerpt, Jesus narrated what would occur in judgement when the righteous would be rewarded for having fed, visited and clothed Jesus when He was in need; and the unrighteous would be likewise punished for doing otherwise. In both cases, neither group knew WHILE doing those things, to whom it was being done. But here was His response to that query- "To the extent that you did it to these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to me". Proverbs 19:17 also reminds us, "He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done."
In essence, we are reminded, that our declaration of faith means nought when we do not have outward workings of it. A true disciple seeks to be as the one he follows. Our Lord's heart was for the lost, the broken, the sick, the demon-possessed, the love-deprived, the cast-outs. So should ours. And friends, this kind of heart isn't fully developed over night. It's something that grows as our relationship with God and our sensitivity to His Spirit within increases. It becomes our true display of love and obedience to Him. So the true challenge is this- draw close to God, He will draw only closer. And then will flow out of our renewed hearts sincere kindness, fair justice & LOVE.
The poem below expresses this message more eloquently than I ever could:
Take Care of Him
"Thou whom I love, for whom I died,
Lovest thou Me, My bride?"--
Low on my knees I love Thee, Lord,
Believed in and adored.
"That I love thee the proof is plain:
How dost thou love again?"--
In prayer, in toil, in earthly loss,
In a long-carried cross.
"Yea, thou dost love: yet one adept
Brings more for Me to accept."--
I mould my will to match with Thine,
My wishes I resign.
"Thou givest much: then give the whole
For solace of My soul."--
More would I give, if I could get:
But, Lord, what lack I yet?
"In Me thou lovest Me: I call
Thee to love Me in all."--
Brim full my heart, dear Lord, that so
My love may overflow.
"Love Me in sinners and in saints,
In each who needs or faints."--
Lord, I will love Thee as I can
In every brother man.
"All sore, all crippled, all who ache,
Tend all for My dear sake."--
All for Thy sake, Lord: I will see
In every sufferer, Thee.
"So I at last, upon My Throne
Of glory, Judge alone,
So I at last will say to thee:
Thou diddest it to Me."
Low on my knees I love Thee, Lord,
Believed in and adored.
"That I love thee the proof is plain:
How dost thou love again?"--
In prayer, in toil, in earthly loss,
In a long-carried cross.
"Yea, thou dost love: yet one adept
Brings more for Me to accept."--
I mould my will to match with Thine,
My wishes I resign.
"Thou givest much: then give the whole
For solace of My soul."--
More would I give, if I could get:
But, Lord, what lack I yet?
"In Me thou lovest Me: I call
Thee to love Me in all."--
Brim full my heart, dear Lord, that so
My love may overflow.
"Love Me in sinners and in saints,
In each who needs or faints."--
Lord, I will love Thee as I can
In every brother man.
"All sore, all crippled, all who ache,
Tend all for My dear sake."--
All for Thy sake, Lord: I will see
In every sufferer, Thee.
"So I at last, upon My Throne
Of glory, Judge alone,
So I at last will say to thee:
Thou diddest it to Me."
- Christina G. Rossetti
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