Friday, January 29, 2010

A child after God's heart!

For quite a while now, I've been meditating on what God meant when He referred to David in 1 Samuel 13:14 as "a man after His heart" I find it mind-blowing and at the same time humbling, that God delighted much in a regular everyday man as He did David. The account in Acts 13:22 goes further in God's testimony of his child David "...he will fulfill all my will". What confidence I say in a vessel, again like you and I!

David was NOT a perfect man. We know of at least one story where he had a man killed so he could have his gorgeous wife. He also wasn't a man without any struggles, he was chased down for a lot of his youth by his 'boss' the king Saul, and then later his own son Absalom became an enemy. But the point of this recap is to show us that David was a REGULAR guy!

From his position and background, it was obvious that he had developed a humble servant attitude along with his excellent musicianship. He was a multitasker who loved his maker. I could go on about David, but I would more importantly rather elaborate on what it takes to be a child after God's heart. James 4:8, imploys us to "draw near to God and He will draw near us", God's love is so freedom driven that He lets us determine how far and how deep our relationship goes with Him. He will not impose Himself on us.

So friends, like David let us come closer to the one who loves us without measure. He is not a respecter of persons (James 2:11), and so will not choose one over the other because of their prestigious position or perfect church attendance. None of those things faze Him. He is moved by His will, and our desire to conform to that will. So may I challenge you today?! Dare to dig in deeper with your heavenly father. You think you're doing better than you were before? great I say, but there's more! Psalm 25:14 even reminds us, that "the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant." Can you imagine that? God longs to show and tell to those close to Him the things that are hidden to others. Just as you would tell a close and trusted friend your secrets, the maker of the world aches to tell us His. So join me lets go in deeper!

I mean think about it...Wouldn't it just be most desirable, to get to heaven and God is showing you off as 'a woman/man after His heart and who fulfilled all His will' ? And He not only stops there, but He sends word to current prophets back on earth telling them to spread that testament of you to inspire others...

Friends, are you ready to go deeper, lets go!

Feel free to share comments/questions.

1 comment:

  1. I concur. I'm ready! Let's do it. He does long for us to come to Him. Jerimiah 29:13 "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." With all my heart, I seek You, Lord. He wants us to know His will and His ways. He wants our attention, our praise, He wants us! I'm ready! :D
