Saturday, October 31, 2009

Forging ahead!

The beginning of each new month always comes with the opportunity,

to make necessary changes.

The brand new 28-31 days ahead call for a new chance

At correcting errors, mending friendships

Renewing vows and taking a further step forward.

Many times discouragement from the past stagnates our growth,

And disappointments keep us from continuing to hope

And live on in anticipation of our future.

But with each new month,

I remind myself, of a new set of chances

That must not be blown!

A huge amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks

That must count positively!

And even God's word is quick to remind us to;

'Forget those things which are behind,

and straining toward what is ahead,

We must press on toward the goal...'

Philipians 3:13-14

Straining means 'stretching to maximum extension'

That must require a deliberate effort on my part.

Not a pain free one too!

And so I Consistently let this word wash over me,

As a nudge forward, a push ahead,

In those times when I'm drained,

Or when the source of motivation

Is temporarily forsaken or forgotten.

Cos those times when pushing is hardest,

Are the times when the rewards are priceless...

And most beautifully worth it!

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